Basic Telephone Etiquettes:
What all points should be taken care of while answering a call?
- Phone should be answered within three rings.
- Smile even though you are on the telephone.
- Sit or stand up straight.
- Use a low voice pitch.
- Match your speaking rate to the caller's.
- Avoid extremes in volume.
Standard Phrase:
How to answer an External call?
- Wish according to the time of the day (Good Morning, Afternoon or Evening), (Your Hotel Name) , How may I help you.
- How to answer Internal Guest calls?
- Wish according to the time of the day (Good Morning, Afternoon or Evening) Mr. _________ (Guest last name), This is ________(Your first name), How may I help you.
- How to answer interdepartmental calls?
- Wish according to the time of the day (Good Morning, Afternoon or Evening), This is _______ (Your first name), How may I help you.
Transferring a guest call:
How to transfer a guest call?
- While transferring a guest call you should say:
- Transferring your call with pleasure.
- Putting a guest call on hold:
- How to put a guest call on hold?
- While putting a guest call on hold you should say:
- Allow me to put your call on hold while I check for the information required”
- “Could I put your call on hold, while I check for the information required?”
Guest Query:
- How to handle a guest query?
- For any guest query you should say:
- I will be glad to assist you.
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